Monday, December 19, 2011

There are many different styles of homeschooling

If you are new to homeschooling, or are still in the planning stages to start after the first of the year, then one of the things you will need to decide is what kind of homeschooling you will do.
The Charlotte Mason style of homeschooling is one choice. Charlotte Mason was an educator in early 1900’s. Her whole philosophy was that children should have a three pronged approach to education, discipline, life, and atmosphere.
Atmosphere meant learning from one’s surroundings. Many homeschoolers adapt Charlotte Mason methods to keep the child inspired through the beauty and wonder of nature. This means lots of time out of doors for most Charlotte Mason type homeschools.
Discipline meant the formation of habits, and as such, many Charlotte Mason homeschoolers tend to apply this habit formation to character formation. The principle here is that if you teach the child how they should behave, then they will follow those habits as they grow up.
Life, as I understand the Charlotte Mason method, has to do with educating the whole child in an organic way. This means that the child does not just learn from text books, but to experience the things they are learning. This generally means lots of hands-on learning.
There are other styles of homeschooling, and I will try to briefly cover those next time.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Welcome to Homeschool Education Review

Hello and welcome! If you are reading this blog, then you are probably considering homeschooling or already are homeschooling.
I’ve been homeschooling my daughter for about five years now. And the reason I homeschool is probably completely different than the reason that you are considering homeschool.
The reality is, we are accidental homeschoolers. I never intended to homeschool, and yet, in the middle of my daughters 1st grade year, public school was no longer a viable option. I homeschool because my daughter needs an education that is tailored to her. She is ADHD and gifted, which might seem like a blessing, but both issues cause problems.
She did not get along in a public school classroom. She needed the instruction to move faster, and she needed to learn it while jumping up and down, or hanging upside down off of her chair.
As odd as that seems, she just can’t sit still in a desk, and study spelling words for four days before taking a spelling test. She doesn’t learn that way, and since learning is the whole point of education it was an exercise in insanity to have her to do the same thing every day, and expect different results.
Come back often, and I hope something I write will make your homeschooling life easier, or mention an idea you would like to try. Happy homeschooling!