Saturday, May 19, 2012

Learning Styles: Auditory

Another learning style that your child might have is auditory learner. Auditory learners process information by hearing it. They do well by listening to lectures, and will retain more information from a book if they hear an audio book, than if they read it themselves.
Auditory learners might read out loud to themselves. Auditory learners may learn by saying the information out loud. You might even notice that they close their eyes to block out visual input, or organize the material in a chant or song. An example of this is the ABC song, but the same methods can be used for anything from the ABC song, to multiplication tables, to the Krebs cycle.
Some auditory learners benefit from listening to music while studying.
I know parents of my generation (I’m probably older than a lot of parents with 6th grade children!) were always told to turn the music off, make it quiet so that we could study. But for some auditory learners, seeing a cluttered room is much more of a deterrent than hearing loud music while studying.
As more research is done into learning styles, we are discovering that there are many different learning styles, and that a one size fits all way of teaching and learning just won’t work for some children.

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